Imagine this happening: your frail, elderly mother, who lives alone, fell last weekend, broke her hip and forearm, and is currently being released from the hospital. Leafing through her discharge papers reveals the need for medications, physical therapy, medical follow-up in several weeks, and a number of symptoms to watch for that without proper Home Care could mean a return trip to the emergency room. 

While working 40+ hours per week, and with three children to care for, is it feasible that you can also help her with her Home Care recovery, making sure she follows the medical orders and is protected from an additional tumble? Nowadays, family members are more often accepting the role of caregiver for their senior loved ones instead of finding Home Care help – as many as 44 million and up, according to the AARP. And after a hospital stay, the caregiving typically needs to be more intense in order to keep your loved one safe and prevent another trip to the ER or readmission into the hospital.

Check out these bits of advice to help adult children keep their senior family members safer during recovery after a hospital stay:

  • Investigate to get more information. Do not hesitate to question the medical team on care items you do not understand well. This will help you know how to be a better caregiver for your loved one. Ask about whom to call for help at any time of the day or night, and ask about symptom warning signs to watch for.
  • Take care of yourself. The stress of providing Home Care for a loved one can take both a physical and emotional toll on caregivers. Make sure to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of rest, and take time for activities you enjoy. There’s no emotional rollercoaster quite like the one ridden by a caregiver. Read more about coping with caregiver guilt.
  • Make connections. Adult children often feel the need to do everything on their own, but it is in everyone’s best interest to have a list of helpful resources available: friends, extended family, neighbors, even a support group.

Keep Hibernian Home Care in New Jersey in mind as well. Our team is dedicated to keeping seniors safe and make sure they are recovering well following hospitalizations. Contact us, we are just a phone call away at 732-481-1148 and can be an essential part of your New Jersey caregiving team to supplement family help.