Hibernian Home Care

About Hibernian Home Care

The company was founded and is operated by a Registered Nurse and a Pharmacist with over 40 years combined of direct patient care experience. This background is unique in the Home Care industry. By having such extensive training and knowledge of disease states and medications, our executive team at Hibernian Home Care understands the importance in maintaining one’s health in providing senior care. We establish an exclusive connection with an individual and their family to enable our clients to thrive, while preserving and improving the quality of life, all in the comfort of their own home.

Healthy Nutrition For Seniors: Overcoming The Challenges

The Necessity For Appropriate Nutrition Becomes Even More Crucial Due To The Natural Aging Process. Younger people that have a higher metabolism, optimum muscle strength, and fewer chronic health problems may be able to get away with poor eating behaviors. However, this is not the case when it comes to nutrition [...]

By |2018-04-21T17:30:13-04:00November 20th, 2017|Senior Health Care, Aging Care, Family Caregiving|

The Importance Of Medication Management In The Treatment Of Diabetes

Medication management is so important that it can be the difference between life and death for some patients, especially for diabetics. Each year, more than 125,000 people die in America because they did not follow instructions when taking their medications. Studies show more than half of the people with prescriptions [...]

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