Hibernian Home Care Blog


Holiday Safety Tips for Elderly Parents

Have a safe and fun holiday by recognizing the specific care needs of seniors and using these safety tips for elderly relatives to prevent falls. The holidays provide an excellent opportunity to visit with senior loved ones. Often, it is not possible to spend a lot of quality time during the year. Also, it is a perfect time to make sure [...]

Time To Start Taking Care Of Elderly Parents?

Thoughts To Keep In Mind To Make Life Easier For You And Your Older Loved One. Watching a parent start to move about with more difficulty is never easy to observe. Often the household tasks such as cleaning and laundry get divided up amongst the siblings. The decision to no longer drive for safety reasons has an effect on the entire family. [...]

Understanding Medication Reconciliation

Medication Mistakes Are The Most Common Patient Safety Error, And Reconciling Medication Is An Effective Prevention Method. Unintentional medication discrepancies that happen during a transition of care (such as a hospitalization and the subsequent discharge) are widespread. This represents a significant threat to patient safety. More than 20 percent of those errors result in patient harm. A priority of patient safety [...]

By |October 26th, 2018|Categories: Medication Management, Aging Care, Senior Health Care|Tags: , , |

Caring For Someone With Dementia?

Practical Advice For Providing Care For A Loved One With Alzheimer's Disease And Other Types of Dementia. Often it is simply intuition to help relate to and make decisions on what best to do when providing care for a loved one with memory loss. Unfortunately, when dealing with Alzheimers's disease and other types of dementia, one's instinct is often counterintuitive. [...]

Sundowning: How To Restore Nighttime Peace

Alzheimer’s patients often have problems with sleeping or may experience changes in their sleep schedule know as sundowning. Sundown syndrome is a neurologically based condition associated with increased restlessness and confusion in patients with some form of dementia. Most commonly related to Alzheimer's disease, but also found in those with other types of dementia, the timing of the patient's confusion [...]

Elderly Driving: Having A Conversation With A Loved One

Recognizing The Need to Have A Discussion About Elderly Driving Is The First Step. Have you noticed that your aging parent is struggling with driving safely? Perhaps there have been a few minor accidents while driving this year. Maybe you have observed a few new dents in their car. For most older adults, losing the ability to drive is cause [...]

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